VANCOUVER, WA— Vancouver Victory goalkeeper Arne Niermann is leaving the US to return home to Germany. Niermann’s graduation from Concordia University in Portland will be followed with a much-prized internship at NIKE. Head Coach Aaron Lewis and Victory owner Barrett Goddard are among many who will miss Arne both in goal but also as a person involved with the club.
“Arne has been a fantastic player, and unbelievable teammate over the last two years,” Lewis says. “His contributions to our program have helped produce results while helping establish a thriving culture.”
Goddard chimes in. “I am very happy and excited for Arne as he transitions from soccer and college into his professional off at the field,” says the owner of V2FC. “I know firsthand how hard he has worked to get on board with Nike and it is very rewarding to see him succeed. Here at V2FC we are about development on and off of the field so we always embrace when one of our players have an excellent opportunity to move on and better their situation.”
Arne will play his last match for Vancouver on Saturday June 4 at 6 PM at Harmony Sports Complex as V2FC hosts Seattle Stars FC in an Evergreen Premier League battle. So what does Niermann think of his time with the Victory, in America, the Northwest, and his future back in Germany? Read the Q & A with Arne below to find out!
How did you get connected with V2FC in the first place?
ARNE: This is my second season with V2FC. Some of my teammates from Concordia went to the open tryouts back in the spring of 2015. They told me about the team, league, and their plans. I was looking for a local team to play for during the summer and, overall, it sounded like a great opportunity to prepare myself for my senior season at Concordia University. I sent Coach Lewis an Email and he invited me to practice the following week. I have been involved with the team ever since.
What are a few of your favorite moments with V2FC?
There are more than a few. Portland and Vancouver (WA) are great places to be during the summer. Practice usually starts around 7:30 am while the sun is still rising. Not many people can enjoy the privilege to be playing soccer with people who love the game just as much as you do. It has been great playing with so many talented players from all kinds of places. Those are memories nobody can take away from you. Moreover, V2FC is like family for me. Coaches and staff have put in loads of work and effort to create an environment that provides personal development and uncountable other opportunities for us players. Therefore, to put a smile on their faces after a win is simply invaluable.
Describe why you are leaving and the opportunity it represents.
I have been thinking about leaving the US since the beginning of the year. The job hunt was rather disappointing; being an international student comes with a lot of extra baggage. Bad luck and me being very picky about finding a job that seemed to be a good fit soon led to an ultimate decision. It was just easier and more convenient to be looking for a job back home. One of my German friends who graduated from Concordia two years ago works at NIKE in Germany. They offer several internships every summer; he connected me with the right people and put in a good word for me. Luckily, everything worked out!
I have been interested in working for NIKE for a while now. I started networking in early December 2014 and met a lot of cool people who have really cool jobs. I went out to the NIKE World Headquarters in Beaverton several times a month for informational interviews to learn as much as possible about many different jobs and the company’s culture and products. I wanted to be part of that company. Needless to say, I am really excited about this internship at NIKE. It is a great way to get a foot in the door and I hope that someday I will be coming back to Portland to work for NIKE. Oh, and did I even mention that I will be working on the NIKE Football (Soccer) Brand team? I will be surrounded by football the whole time. I do not think I could ask for anything better.
Lastly, V2FC’s mission is all about preparing players for greater opportunities, whether that’s on the pitch or off the pitch. Some of the guys I played with last year got a professional contract. The club must be doing some things right, don’t you think?

Got socks? Arne Niermann does as he shows his EPLWA Player of the Week socks from an earlier match in 2016.
What will you miss most about living in the Portland / Vancouver area?
It will definitely be tough leaving a place that I have been able to call “home” for the last four years. There are many beautiful places in both the Portland and Vancouver area. But what I will probably miss most are the people that I have met here. Especially the ones that I have grown really close with over the last years.
Will you be continuing to play soccer when you get back to Germany?
I will definitely try and play soccer when I get back to Germany, I just don’t know how soon and how competitive yet. I think it will take a while getting settled into my new job and the new city I will be living in. Soccer has had a huge impact on my life and made me the person I am today. I don’t think I would be able to just cut it out of my life.

Niermann (middle) joined other V2FC mates at an MLS Portland Timbers match as banner carriers on the pitch.